Q: What is the Neora Tool Store?
A: The Neora tool store is available to BP’s to order business tools directly from Canada, which are shipped directly from Canada warehouse.
Q: How will Canadian Brand Partners find the Neora Canada tools store?
A: Canada Brand Partners will log into their back office, click on Resources, then click on Canada Tool Store.
Q: Can a Canadian Brand Partner still order from the Neora Store?
A: Yes; a Canadian Brand Partner can order items such as apparel, accessories, business tools, etc. from the Neora Store; although these items are separate from the Canada Tool store and will ship from a vendor in the US and not from the Canada tool store.
Q: Can I order Neora store items and order business tools from Canada Tools store and combine my shipment and pay one shipping fee.
A: No, there are two different stores handled by two different vendors.
Q: What is the difference between the Neora Store and Canada Tools store?
A: The Neora store is managed by US vendor and offers various items as well as business tools. The Canada tools store offers a selection of Canada business tool only and will be shipped directly from Canada warehouse.
Q: How are the items ordered from the Canada tool store shipped?
A: The items will be shipped via Federal express.
Q: What is the Customer Service Information for all items ordered via Neora Gear Store?
A: You may reach Customer Service from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Standard Time (CST) Monday - Friday via phone; Toll-free 888-304-6046
You may leave a voice mail after hours and your call will be returned the next business day. Email your questions or comments to gearstore.ca@neorasupport.zendesk.com. Your email will be responded to within one business day.
Q: What is the customer service information for all items ordered via Canada Tools store?
A: You may reach Customer Service from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Standard Time (CST) Monday - Friday via phone; The phone number is 888-304-6046 but the best way is to email your questions or comments to gearstore.ca@neorasupport.zendesk.com. Your email will be responded to within one business day.
Q: Can I change my Canada Tool order, now that it has been placed?
A: Changes cannot be made once submitted.
Q: What is the benefit of the Canada Tool Store?
A: The benefits to adding a local Canada tools store in the back office is the shipping cost and faster shipping to local Canadian Brand Partners.
Q: Can someone order from the Canada Tool Store without being a BP?
A: No, the Business tools are only available to Neora Brand Partners.
Q: What is the currency price of the items online?
A: Prices online are set in Canadian dollars.
Q: How do I pay for my online order?
A: We accept: VIsa, Mastercard, DIscover, American Express.